About the Journal

Ihya ul Ulum was initially published in the year 2000. It is the research journal of department of Qur’an & Sunnah published in three languages English, Urdu and Arabic. The journal is approved by the Board of Advanced Studies and Research, University of Karachi and recognized by Higher Education Commission Pakistan in Y category.The journal follows the instructions of HEC guidelines to maintain the quality. All the articles published in the journal are double blind reviewed from the experts of International repute.

Ihya ul Ulum is recognized by Higher Education Commission Pakistan in Y category.

Ihy ul Ulum is open for all researchers and scholars. The scope of Ihya ul Ulum the Annual tri lingual Research journal of Qur’an o Sunnah is open to all the branches related to Islamic Sciences, such as Quranic Sciences. Hadith Sciences, Tasawwuf Islamic History. Contemporary Muslim world, Political and Economic thoughts Law and shariah.

Current Issue

Vol. 24 No. 2 (2024): Iḥyāʾ alʿ ulūm - احیاء العلوم
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