The concept of the savior in Semitic religions, a research review

سامی مذاہب میں مسیحا کا تصور :ایک حقیقی جائزہ


  • Hafiz Abdullah Haroon, Dr. Abdul Rashid Qadri


savior, religions, world, believers, beliefs


The concept of the Messiah (savior) is central to all theological religions, each believing that a time will be come when someone will deliver them from the troubles of the age and establish their kingdom over the whole world. The Messiah will come who will change the destiny of the believers of this religion and their rule and rule will be established in the whole world, although each religion explains the different meanings of the word Messiah, which concerns the believers of this religion. Represents the beliefs, this paper examines the concept of the Messiah in three major and popular religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam research to see what the concept and meaning of the Messiah is in each religion.




How to Cite

Hafiz Abdullah Haroon, Dr. Abdul Rashid Qadri. (2022). The concept of the savior in Semitic religions, a research review: سامی مذاہب میں مسیحا کا تصور :ایک حقیقی جائزہ. Iḥyāʾ Alʿ ulūm - Journal of Department of Quran O Sunnah, 22(2). Retrieved from