The Internal Rhythmic Structure and its Semantic Impact in the Poem Al-khansa (An Analytical Study)
البنية الإيقاعية الداخلية وأثرها الدلالي في قصيدة الخنساء (دراسة تحليلية)
In this article, the researcher deals with the rhythmic structure of the poem Al-Khansaa, which is divided into two parts: the external rhythm and the internal rhythm. The first of them includes weight, the sea of the poem, the slips and causes of the sea of the poem, the beginning, the syllable, the rhyme and its significance, the letters of the rhyme, and the inflection. The second contains the phonetic structure of the text and the creative colors, on top of which are: anaphora, counterpoint, repetition, and embroidery. The researcher studied all these phenomena in the poem in simplicity and detail, and explained its rhetorical and stylistic secrets and its intended concepts. Then he dealt with the morphological formulas found in the poem and their semantic impact, and at the end of the article he wrote the results he reached during writing the article.